Nobody’s Looking At You

If you’re nervous to go to the gym because you think people will stare at you, or judge you, I have great news for you - nobody’s looking at you!

Most people that go to the gym are busy people just like you, trying to get in, get their workout done and get out so they can get back to the rest of their day.

But I understand this feeling that people may criticize you or ridicule you if you do something “silly” in the gym.

Fortunately, the majority of gym-goers would likely notice someone making an error and gladly offer advice in the event that you would welcome it.

So don’t be too hard on yourself.

The gym is a place of discovery.

A place where you can find new strength and confidence that you thought you would never be able to obtain.

And while it is good to be honest with yourself, don’t be too hard on yourself, judging your every move to the point where you’re too afraid to try a new exercise in the fear of failure.

Failure can be your friend.

In most cases, failure in the gym is a great thing, especially if you have the proper safety measures in place to “catch you when you fall.”

Let’s say you’re doing a Bench Press with the spotter arms up and can’t get the weight back up.

That’s a great learning lesson!

Rest the weight on the spotter arms and ask yourself questions like “what rep did I fail at? what muscle did I feel failing most?”

Use moments like this to allow you the opportunity to see what you need to work on and where you objectively stand rather than letting it be an embarrassing moment, because even the most advanced and elite of lifters fail.

And take your time.

You won’t get it all down in one day, one week or hell, in one year.

Like I said, the gym is a place of discovery, the longer you go the more you will find how your body works so that you can get better little by little.

The biggest mistake that you can make in the gym is trying to rush your way to progress.

As long as you go into the gym with a plan that you intend to follow you will see results in the long term.

If you don’t have a plan to follow.

There are plenty of free workout templates you can play around with online to see what works best for you.

Or you can work with a Personal Trainer to help evaluate you, discuss your goals and build a plan with you to get you moving.

If you would like to set up a Complimentary Consultation with one of our Trainers to get you moving in the right direction click here.


4 Exercises Everyone Should Do